I've been exploring the wonderful world of 3D again. I've run across a few free apps for the iPhone that let you take 3D pictures or convert previously shot pictures to 3D.
I've just begun playing with a few of the free apps. Some are better than others Here's what I've looked at so far:
This allows you to shoot "wigglegrams." My biggest complaint is that there doesn't appear to be a way to post them to the web or to delete ones you've saved.
3D Converter from AR Vision Inc.
This spiffy little app lets you take photos from your camera roll, mask off areas you want to 3D-ize and convert the image to red/cyan anaglyphs, gray anaglyphs, or wigglegrams. Several brush size adjustments and depth sliders make this app a keeper. I used this app on the image of the racoon carrying the kitty.
This requires red/cyan 3D glasses to view properly.
A basic gallery of "Magic Eye" type images.
I haven't used this app yet, but the sample images look great.
I installed the free version of this app. I haven't used it yet, but it looks promising.
3D Photos by Black Frog Industries
A nice gallery of professionally photographed anaglyphic pictures.
Need 3D glasses? Well, you can find all kinds at American Paper Optics. You also might be surprised at what you can find at your local Wal-Mart, card and party store or at the local video or bookstore like Hastings. We've found both the red/cyan and the ChromaDepth glasses in the party favor aisle at Wally World.
Here's an example of ChromaDepth 3D. This is the technology that makes the Crayola 3D Sidewalk Chalk work.
And lastly, here iare a couple of examples of "wigglegrams" that take two photos of the same object from slightly different perspectives and combine them in an animated .gif image. It isn't true 3D, but it doesn't require glasses to view and it is the only method I know of that allows people with sight in only one eye to experience simulated 3D.
This one is obviously my favorite!
(If the Lunar Module's A Rockin', don't come a knockin'!)
The last three photos will surely rock the world of anyone who isn't familiar with "wigglegrams!" They're somehow similar to 3D photos, but they're converted into GIF formats in order to look like 3D. The ballet picture is actually my personal favorite! The dancers look like they're moving.
Posted by: Dalton Wordlaw | 07/14/2011 at 03:27 PM