According to a story at MailOnline, Google StreetView has captured an unusual image of a creature they've dubbed, 'Horseboy."
The bizarre sight, dubbed 'Horseboy', has become an unlikely internet sensation after being snapped by one of Google's cars on an otherwise unremarkable Aberdeen street.
The question has Britain abuzz, Who is Horseboy?
As most of you know, I've been everywhere and I've done everything, and I have the pictures to prove it. And it sometimes proves helpful in my travels to go incognito, as I attempted on a recent jaunt to Scotland. But it never fails, leave the house having a bad mane day and there will surely be a camera around...
Yes, I'm afraid I must cop to this too.
I AM HORSEBOY!And here's a picture of my driver's license to prove it--
I must admit, some of the information is not entirely accurate. I'm actually 16.3 Hands high, but DPS rounds off.
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