My on-air partner's cavalier attitude notwithstanding, much of the world seems focused on what may come in the way of great natural catastrophe. The news that Yellowstone National Park has been wracked by a swarm of over 400 earthquakes since Christmas makes "Super-volcano" the next contender for the title of Great Contingency. Fox News just published a list of the five most likely ways the Earth will be destroyed. The real culprit will probably be something we haven't even thought of yet, all pointing up the need to begin collecting the vital information to ensure our survival.
With that in mind, I'm hard at work fleshing out the notion of the Order of the Omega Tau, a cadre of emergency librarians who'll swoop in and save your ignorant asses with that most essential tool, a really good do-it-yourself book. But more than a survival manual the Omega Tau handbook will be a foundation for and philosophy of the rebuilding of civilization. Yeah, I know what you are thinking, but you aren't the first person to call me a nut. Scoff if you must, but there is a huge gap between the shoot-em-dead-when-they-try-to-steal-my-canned-beans survivalists manuals and the move-the-government-into-the-big-shelter-and shoot-em-if-they-try-to-get-in plans. You know who stands in that gap? Us. You know who's thinking about the solution? Me. As I develop the concepts I'll share them with you, but I'm not ready to hatch that egg just yet.
In the meantime, instead of getting caught up in all the doom and gloom that the future may bring us, we should remember that the world is a place of wonder. Last night the moon was at its perigee, or nearest point in proximity to Earth making it appear as much as 14% brighter than usual. Last night's full moon was the biggest and brightest it will appear all year. Victoria Rose and I stood outside in the cold night gazing on it beaming behind the frosty clouds. A Wolf Moon they call it. We took a moment to reflect and share our hopes and dreams for the coming year.
And although the moon has now begun to travel away from us, it should be big and bright in the night sky for several days. Take a moment to stop, look up and reflect. This is a good time to take stock of your life and sort out your plans for the year, even if you aren't a resolution kind of person. If nothing else, taking a moment to pause and appreciate the celestial dance will make you feel more connected to the universe and more at peace with yourself.