I haven't quite made it to Supreme High Muckity-Muck of the All Powerful Illuminati-- Yet.
But I'm well on my way. (And I've got my hair back!)
Here I am in my lambskin. The bib flips up to reveal the pertinent information as to when I received my various degrees.
I was initiated as an Entered Apprentice on September 16, 2008, passed to the degree of Fellow Craft on December 11, 2008 and raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on January 1, 2009.
This is the Holy Bible the lodge presented me on becoming a Master Mason.
And both faces of the coin commemorating the event.
And the lapel pin that was a personal gift from my instructor.
Last week I attended my first lodge since being raised to Master Mason. It was for an E. A. initiation and a separate E.A. proficiency exam. I got to perform the duties of chaplain, opening and closing the lodge in prayer. This week I get to work in a Fellow Craft degree. It has been quite an experience so far. Perhaps one day I'll even be Worshipful Master, just like Brother George Washington before me...
Last week I attended my first lodge since being raised to Master Mason. It was for an E. A. initiation and a separate E.A. proficiency exam. I got to perform the duties of chaplain, opening and closing the lodge in prayer. This week I get to work in a Fellow Craft degree. It has been quite an experience so far. Perhaps one day I'll even be Worshipful Master, just like Brother George Washington before me...