Tie-dyed Tehuti Too Hot For CafePress!
See the Pictures They Refuse To Print!
Parody Is Protected Speech Claims Tie-dyed Tehuti
CafePress Fails Lesson In Fair Use
I'm still working up my big Olympic rant. I'll have recent radio bits including interviews both pro and con with lots of commentary by yours truly. I'll also post the designs that CafePress won't print, along with the email exchanges of their laughable excuses as to the reasons why.
But editing and posting all this entertaining crap takes time, and time is in short supply these days. While I may not have the centons to post a full-length post every day (or every week, for that matter) I can probably rip out a quick 140 characters on Twitter. To make it easy for you kind folks to at least see what I had for lunch, I've posted my Twitter updates to my sidebar right under my picture.
Mazal Tov!