I spoke With Dan Linehan about his new book, "Spaceship One: An Illustrated History." If you are a space geek, a tech freak, or just somebody who wants to inspire their kid to grow up to be a rocket scientist, this is a must-have for your library.
Victoria Rose and I will be attending the 2007 International Space Development Conference in Dallas. I've applied for my media credentials and we've already reserved our room at the Intercontinental Hotel where the event is being held. It ought to be a blast-- a BLAST OFF, that is!
My old pal Buzz Aldrin will be in attendance. I interviewed Buzz last year for the radio station and it would be a huge thrill to meet him in person. I would like the chance to give him a CD of my interview and the Crystal Method "High Roller" mashup I made from it. In case you missed it, here is my blog entry where you can hear and download both.
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