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June 15, 2008


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I've been saying everywhere that it didn't make sense, to me, to shut things down on Saturday morning. It wasn't even noon yet! And it wasn't as if there were NO guests and there were NO fans.

My dad keeps saying how happy he was to meet a lot of fans and the other guests. But the way everything was handeled from start to finish was a mess. No one from Fed Con ever contacted us after we got to Texas to set up.

I saw you there a couple of times.

That was our first convention, my dad is ok. But I'm trying to convince the rest of my family that not all conventions are bad, ha.


Escape 2 Earth


Tim Brazeal wants everyone to believe that he was operating in a newbie con management vacuum. Truth is, his options included immediate and friendly advice from FedCon Germany's 15-years of con experience.

According to FedCon Germany boss and con guru Dirk Bartholomäe, Brazeal ignored (and abused) early attempts at a cordial and cooperative partnership. Read the details...



Tim Brazeal has begun the process of deleting all incriminating evidence of his incompetence and corruption. Despite a promise that the FedCon USA message boards would remain accessible, they have been removed.

Here is Google's cached page with Dirk Bartholomäe's statement...


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