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March 15, 2008


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Greetings from Baghdad! Joe and his compadre`s say hello from the front.
Hoppe you are doing well. Nice to see that you have finally updated your blog.
Shout out on your show for the service men and women fighting for us and for freedom over here sometime would ya?

Peace, FROM the Middle East.

Tie-dyed Tehuti

The long blogging sabbatical is over. Updates on a more regular basis forthcoming.

We ALWAYS shout out to the brave men and women who put their butts on the line every day so we can sleep soundly every night. These kids (and yes, most of them are still kids,) do the hardest job in the world and we should never forget the sacrifices they are asked to make on behalf of freedom.

In case anybody needs a reminder of what we are fighting for, just point your browser here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKCVS57j284

This is a You Tube video of a group called the Cactus Cuties singing the National Anthem. These kids are from 8 to 13 years old. It will send shivers up your spine.

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