It's what, Tuesday already? And I'm still dragging my rear from the 24 Hour Comic this last weekend. A big thank you is in order for Victoria Rose for her invaluable technical and emotional support, not to mention snacks and beverages. I looked at some of the other entries posted online. Some are good, some bad. Mine was in the middle, although I didn't see anything else quite like it. Here is a link to the completed Comic. Here is an 11 x 17 poster of the comic in PDF form that you can download, should the spirit move you. It's pretty big (3.39 MB). Right click the link and select, "save target as." There is a link to my blog entry for the day in the side bar at the 24 Hour Comics Day Blog under, "Other 24 HCD Blogs." I'll be burning my Tiff files to CD and submitting it to the official contest in a day or two.