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January 05, 2005


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I use to be quiet the Gump; back in my military days now I'm just 'ol Gumpy - thanks for the encouragement, "I need to get back to where I once belonged."


... and just a side note...Rx will be a grandpa come April, his little x will have her own "daughter"!!!



I put a link to your site, as an EXAMPLE of the outstanding, quality reasons for staying pluged into the Matrix instead of waking up to those mundane things like the little barking dog under my desk driving me crazy to go outside.... wait a sec.....

Little Blossom

I'm not that far behind you...Mine is 28.2...I've cut out the sweets (until Mercy and I went shopping and stopped by the chocolate factories) and started and exercize routine that by far doesn't come near to yours and I think I gained weight too...Um, what's up with that shite?...Who makes these damn charts up anyways?...You have to be like sickly tiny to be at a "healthy" wait...Now ain't that some boochie shite?...BTW if you injure yourself from exercizing WAY TOO MUCH, I'll have to make a trip up to Brownwood just to kick your ass...Take it easy, don't add any more reps and don't add any more activities to your routine...I think you should take some of those activities and reps OFF your routine so we'll have a Tehuti left when you come back.

--Your Blossom

T.D. Tehuti

Trust me, Blossom, there will be enough of Ol' Tehuti to go around. Tehuti in abundance, as it were.

Thanks for the props, X. And congrats on the lower case x, too.

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